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Lahiru Dharmasiri


I believe in …..

“A new town (or a Design) cannot be any better or worse than the people who live in it, the planner who design it or those who manage it.”

- (Mayer, 1943)


That is to say my designs are NOT only about ME…. It’s about all the aspects in the project… Mainly the Need of the Client ..

And my ability to combine all this and come up with a creative unique design That can be said          

                                      "  Its OURS… ."


I love photography because of its ability to communicate how I feel at a particular moment at a particular place.

To me capturing an image is about painting a feeling generated by the context. The sounds, smells, textures and most importantly the light contributes to this and it drives me to take better shots, hoping with each new click I will be able to capture a new mood, a new atmosphere, a new message.

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